Andy Continues Discussion of the Dollar’s Fate on Liberty Talk Radio

Andy’s Notes: As always a big ‘thank you’ to Joe Cristiano for having me back on the show. Pieces are beginning to fall into place regarding the economic situation both here in the US and abroad. Incidentally, Graham and I ran our alternative GDP model for the second quarter in the US and it showed a -43% ‘growth’ rate, which was 10 percentage points lower than what the Commerce Department reported.

Joe and I discussed MMT, the USDollar as world reserve, inflation, price inflation, actions overseas by trade partners and predators alike, and finished up with some fairly straightforward advice to listeners. This is actionable general financial information. If you’ve read or listened for any length of time you’ve heard this before, but there are new people coming into the arena, so we felt a little repetition might be a good thing. Thanks again Joe!
