Graham Mehl is a pseudonym. He is astonishingly bright, having received an MBA with highest
honors from the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania. He has also worked
as a policy analyst for several hedge funds and has consulted for several central banks. Among
his research interests are finding more reliable measurements of economic activity than those
currently available to the investing public using econometric modeling and collaborating on the
development of economic educational tools.
Andy Sutton is a research and freelance Economist. He received international honors for his
work in economics at the graduate level, earning an MBA with high honors from Moravian University in 2002, and currently teaches high school business. Among his current research work is identifying the line in the sand where economies crumble due to extraneous debt through the use of econometric modeling and studying complex geopolitical issues using economics. His focus is also educating young people about the science of economics using an evidence-based approach.
While our published work has been more sporadic, our research hasn’t stopped. We’ve always tried to find the angles on issues that nobody else was talking about and with so many now writing daily, we haven’t felt the need to replicate their outstanding efforts. That said, with geoeconomic events accelerating once again, we plan on being much more active in the coming months – July 2024